

In family & love.



The ocean.

Getting outside.


Seeing the world.




For me, photography was a happy accident: while I started learning the darkroom in high school, I stumbled into it professionally more than 15 years ago when I worked as the art director of SKI Magazine, and budget cuts dictated we take on more work in-house. Something about it flipped a switch for me, and I eventually started to think more about photography than I did about design.


I practiced all the time, taking photos of my family at home, and then of friends' families too. I found so much beauty in capturing moments—an open-mouthed laugh, a playful handhold, a knowing look between a husband and wife—that otherwise would be lost amidst the chaos of life.


I recently had a friend shoot photos of my family when I found out my dad had cancer. He passed soon after, and those photos are now the most precious things in the world to me. I have the images of him laughing with my two sons on my desk, and every time I look at them I'm flooded with the feeling that the connections we have in life are, well, the point of everything.


I want to give the same gift to my clients, to capture the light that shines in each of us, and to collect memories that will become their greatest treasures.



See me in action below!




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